About esab
10,000+ Members
We are a team of more than 10,000 Engineering Students and Engineers. ESAB Alumni are thriving all over the world.
54+ Unit Faces
Our Unit Faces operate in more than 54 Universities across Bangladesh.
100+ Adviser Faculties
We are lucky to have more than 100 Professors and Faculties of different Universities with us globally.
MoU with 3 ministries
ESAB contributes to the growth development scene of Bangladesh and acts as a Ecosystem Development Catalyst having MoU with 3 Ministries.
Throughout its journey, ESAB has had glorious achievements in both in Bangladesh and abroad by organizing events and taking up creative initiatives. From the very beginning of our journey we are working for nurturing the inner potential of the young engineers. We always try to introduce new, advance and emerging technologies among our enthusiastic community so that they challenge the future competitive world. Starting from ICT initiatives ESAB has evolved to pioneer robotics development in Bangladesh and since last few years ESAB is pioneering energy initiatives in Bangladesh. ESAB is the only youth based organization working to promote renewable energy in all over Bangladesh. ESAB is also highly active in policy reform activities in renewable energy.

National Robotech Festival

Power and Energy Hackathon


TECHFEST Bangladesh Zonal

Neophyte Nucleus